You have been given unique gifts and abilities for the specific purpose of serving God and building up the community. Victory's mission is to reach today's people with Christ's victory and that includes serving our local and global community. Volunteers are an integral part of what we do and we would love to help you discover the joy of serving in a ministry that fits your interests and talents.


volunteers with police officer


Victory hosts a number of events each year like blood drives, a community concert, an Easter Egg Hunt, and more. These events wouldn't be possible without the help of our volunteers!

young men ushering

Serving Teams

From hosts and cafe volunteers, to the tech team and Victory Kids teachers - there are many serving teams who are active each week at Victory. There's a fit for you!

food drive drop off

In the Community

Not only does Victory have service opportunities at our Ministry Center, but also within our local communities. Through events like food and toy drives, and rotating monthly activities, there's always an opportunity to get involved.

Give, sign up for events, connect with a group, check your kids in, and more!

church center app